Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pea test planting

I have planted some peas to test which ones I like the best:

Ordinary peas
chr X pea (danish heirloom)
blauwschokker (purple podded)
"Holkers høje ært"(danish heirloom)

I find that the blauwschokker are quite pretty but they are also bitter so I will not be growing them again. They are much earlier then chr X.
The chr X pea tastes vary nice even when the peas are large, but its a bit slow to get going.
Holkers høje ært is planted a lot later so I haven't tasted them yet.

Early peas
douce provence
feltham first

I planted these in october and all the feltham first peas died in spring. Maybe douce provence survived it because they were covered with fleece, which feltham first was not.
However the douce provence were then in shadow from may and onwards and maybe thats why the plant only got 30 cm's tall and produced very little. However the forst peas were ready in the first week of june so I like the earlyness and the taste was quite good.

Feltham first was planted again in march and were ready later in june and is still producing now. the plants are about 1,5 meters tall. The peas should be eaten small because they get mealy very quickly. The taste is also inferior to douce provence. and chr x for that matter, but better then blauwschokker

I will go with douce provence next year and see if they produce more in a better spot.

Mange-tout peas
Golden sweet (yellow)
"engelsk sabel" - danish heirloom
de grace

Golden sweet was treated differently then the other to so I cannot comment on it's earlyness but its seams early if you start them inside. I moved the plants a few times and they where fine with it :-)
De grace is about 2 weeks earlier then engelsk sabel and a very low pea.
last year I had my de grace last all summer by harvesting all the time, resulting in no seed collecting...

Taste wise I like Golden sweet and engelsk sabel the best, but I have to say I also really like the earliness of de grace and so next year I will be growing all of them again.